Volunteer on Our Team

Impact 100 Seattle is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We are fortunate to have a group of amazing women to lead the efforts of our organization. We encourage every member to get involved in one or more of these committees and take on leadership roles in their area of interest and expertise. Each woman contributes a unique perspective, a set of diverse skills, as well as curiosity and openness as she blazes the path for transformational change in our community.  

Want to get involved?

Members --> you may join any committee or see detailed information about all committees in our member portal here. You can even select a committee to join, and you'll be contacted by the committee chair to discuss volunteer opportunities.

The Grant Team is the largest team at Impact 100 Seattle. The Grant Leadership Team recruits and trains members each year to form our Grant Review Team, which then works together to accept and review grant applications from our community. The bulk of this work occurs between March and May. Here are the Key Dates that drive this team's involvement and volunteer activity. 

  • Grant Leadership Team oversees grant process development and execution including application and selection process.
  • Grant Review Team is open to any member of Impact 100 Seattle who volunteers to review grant applications. To learn more about the Grant Review Team, its process and the volunteer work that goes into selecting our Grantee Partners, please see our Grant Review Team Commitment letter.
  • Grant Review Financial Review Team is an arm of Finance Team that participates in the Grant Review process. For more information or to contact the Finance Team, see below.

>>>Volunteer Opportunities<<< This team is looking for additional volunteer members. Email the Grant Review Leadership Team if you are interested in being a member of the Grant Review Team. All Grant Review Team sign-ups and renewals must be received by March 1 in order to participate in the grant cycle that year, but membership is rolling, and you can always join in advance for the following year. Drop us a line if you are interested!

The Membership Team is responsible for developing and implementing strategy and activities pertaining to recruitment and retention of members. The following committees work together to ensure a positive membership experience. The majority of the work for this committee is done between September and March.

  • Membership Recruitment sets membership goals, organizes recruitment events and works with the communication team to spread the word.
  • New Member On-boarding is responsible for welcoming and on-boarding new members, and connecting them to areas of interest in an effort to create a sense of worth and belonging among our community from the very first touch point.
  • Member Education works with various membership, grants and nonprofit committee members to organize events that deliver on our mission of creating a more educated philanthropist.
  • Impactship manages the application and selection process for the Impactship program.

>>>Volunteer Opportunities<<< This team is looking for a volunteer to work on Event Sponsorship Outreach  -> Research and Identify community partners who would be interested in underwriting our events in the form of food, beverage, or venue discounts/donations. If this sounds interesting to you, please email our Membership Chair.

The Nonprofit Team is responsible for engaging and maintaining relationships with Puget Sound-based nonprofit organizations that have received grants from Impact 100 Seattle (our Grantee Partners) as well as the greater nonprofit community.

  • Nonprofit Relations Committee is the single point of contact with our grantee partners. They work with them to understand if there are ways that our members can support them beyond the check.
  • Volunteer Committee organizes volunteer activities that support our community nonprofits while creating a sense of camaraderie within the membership of Impact 100 Seattle.

>>>Volunteer Opportunities<<< This team is looking for additional volunteer members to serve as Nonprofit Liaisons, Volunteer Coordinators, and Operations Cafe Supporters. If you would like to join this team, or sit in on a meeting, please email our Nonprofit Relations Chairs.

The Communication Team develops and executes the organization‘s communication plan and calendar—general publicity, email campaigns, website updates, photography, social media, brochure and other print materials. This team collaborates with the membership, grants, and nonprofit teams to keep Impact 100 members and partners informed while building awareness for the organization in the community on social media, in newsletters and other communications channels.

The Communications team is made up of several volunteers supporting the following:

  • Internal Campaigns - Supports internal campaigns such as Grant Review Process, Wellness Week, Annual Meeting.
  • External Campaigns - Lead or support external campaigns such as Grantee Partner Events and Local Changemaker Highlights.
  • Membership Campaign - Lead of support communications surrounding Membership, Recruitment and Impactships.
  • Membership Highlights - Lead the amplification of Impact 100 Seattle members in our communication channels.
  • Communication Support - Help us as needed and as you define.

>>>Volunteer Opportunities<<< This team is looking for additional volunteer members to help with social media, newsletters and other communication channels in all of the above categories. Email our Communications Chair if any of the above is of interest to you, or if you'd like to sit in on a meeting to learn more. We'll work with you to determine best fit and workload.

The Technology Team is responsible for continuous evaluation of the systems in use and making recommendations if changes need to be made. The team troubleshoots and assists if technology issues arise and works with the communications committee to update the website.

>>>Volunteer Opportunities<<< This team is looking for an additional volunteer member. If you would like to join this team, please email Technology Chair.

The Finance Team is responsible for overseeing the organization‘s financials, ensuring the organization adheres to accounting standards, meets all tax obligations and remains in a solid financial condition. 

  • Grant Cycle Financial Review Team is an arm of Finance Team that participates in the Grant Review process.
  • Internal Finance Team

>>>Volunteer Opportunities<<< This team is actively recruiting members to participate in the 2023 grant cycle as financial reviewers. If you would like to join this team, please email our Treasurer.

The Education Team is responsible for curating events for our members and our greater community. Some past events include learning sessions or workshops on trust-based philanthropy, personal investment, the future of women and work, and racial bias in philanthropy.

>>>Volunteer Opportunities<<< This team is actively recruiting members to assist as influencers, networkers, event planners, hosts and tech support. If you would like to join this team, please email Membership Education Chair.

The Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee focuses on building and maintaining the public image of Impact 100 Seattle. This committee works to foster relationships with external media outlets, develop strategic partnerships, and raise the profile of the organization in the wider community. Key responsibilities include managing press relations, coordinating media outreach, writing and distributing press releases, and organizing public-facing events and interviews. The PR Committee ensures that Impact 100 Seattle’s mission, values, and impact reach new audiences, enhancing brand recognition and community engagement.