Join us as we envision a world where nonprofits spent time transforming communities, not fundraising. Impact 100 Seattle harnesses the collective power of diverse women to support and amplify the work of local community-based organizations, through high impact grantmaking and relationship building. Together, we cultivate relationships and distribute unrestricted grants to small community based nonprofits in the Puget Sound area, guided by the principles of trust-based philanthropy.
Collective giving amplifies individual giving and enables those who do not have access to billions of dollars to make a significant contribution to our community. It also democratizes giving by inviting women from diverse backgrounds, of different ages and socio-economic groups to join in the collective, connect with each other and learn together to better understand the issues of our community and ways that we can provide support.
Are you passionate about our cause, but the membership fee poses a barrier? Find out about our Impactship program here.